“Wild Women of Jonesborough was born over an ironing board and vintage linen napkins.”
Really! In October 2018, the world premier of Wild Women of Winedale was set to open at the Jonesborough Repertory Theatre. Could “wild” women in Jonesborough contribute funds to be a sponsor of the show. A minimum of $1500 was needed. My question to each woman was “Would you make a $100 contribution?” If not $100, whatever amount is comfortable would be great! Soon, I had nearly $2000 and the gifts kept coming. All the women loved being sponsors of a show AND being a “Wild Woman.” By the time the show opened nearly $4000 had been donated. (and all the napkins were ironed.)
The next event that was a success was collecting funds for the men and women who had to work without pay during the government shut down in December. Government rules limited gifts to $20 per employee. We soon had the money to purchase a gift card for each employee.
Then came a need for hangers for the new costume storage area of JRT. More than 1200 landed on my front porch to deliver to the theatre storage.
When the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee began its fundraising for their grant programs, I thought the Wild Women would support a project the raises up women. Again, the generous nature of Jonesborough shined! Wild Women was one of the Silver sponsors!
Approximately 70 women are listed as a Wild Woman. Women donate what they can. There is no specific organizational structure; it is truly an ad hoc group.
What’s next? All the napkins are ironed!