Extension on Orders of Protection


Working Together to Extend Orders of Protection, TWFA (Tennessee Women’s Fund Alliance) members have been closely following court and relief decisions that significantly impact women. Given the rise in domestic violence during COVID-19 TWFA went to work advocating for extension of orders of protection. The TN Supreme Court declared that “Orders of protection and temporary injunctions that would otherwise expire during the period from Friday, March 13, 2020 through Tuesday, May 5, 2020 are hereby extended through Wednesday, May 6, 2020.”

It is likely that an individual or individuals holding an order of protection that was set to expire does not know that the order has been extended. Our goal was to make sure that survivors and victims knew that these protections were extended. The Women’s Fund of East Tennessee along with the other Women’s Funds pushed out these graphics on social media and sent letters to shelters for posting on their websites to help protect and advocate for survivors.


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