Carol Transou Named Board Member Emerita

WFET Board member, Carol Transou, has been named the first Board Member Emerita by the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee. As an Emerita member, Carol will continue to serve on the Board in an advisory role indefinitely. She is a Founding Member of the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee and chaired the task force that established it. Her hard work and dedication to the mission and success of the Women’s Fund are inspirational, and we are honored to have Carol continue with us in such an important way.

When asked to convey what the Women’s Fund means to her, here is what Carol had to say:

I love the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee. It is my largest and strongest charitable interest. After all, who would NOT like an organization that helps women and girls in their struggle to become equal partners in our country. Women’s Funds exist throughout the world to unite money, ideas, and action that creates lasting change. Much of the resources of our Women’s Fund goes to girls or women who have low or no income. We help them build skills and leadership abilities, and combat sexism at many levels. We build community capital, which helps support women and girls in their quest to become equal citizens of our democracy. Of all the things I have started, this one is the most important to me. I feel good about its success and possibilities.

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